The happy, new year, discount

Dolina Village in the snow

Dear friends and guests, we, here at Dolina Village, wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Along with our best wishes, we bring you a special offer for the first two months of the year: a 10% discount on all direct bookings of two nights and a 15% discount on all direct bookings of 3 nights of more. These discounts can’t be combined with our midweek & full week discounts and are not applied to bookings via external platforms.

We hope you enjoyed the winter holidays with the ones closed to you, but we know, this season can be exhausting! So, if you are looking for a place to get away from it all, Dollina Village is the place to be. Our vacation homes are well hidden behind the forest surrounding Suncuius, far from busy roads and noisy cities. This is the place to be if you need to disconnect, relax and sleep undisturbed.  A plus point of the winter months: Zece Hotare is even more beautiful with a full pack of snow!

Oferta de Anul Nou

Dragi prieteni si oaspeti, echipa Dolina Village va ureaza un An Nou bun, cu sanatate si chef de plimbari!

Pe langa cele mai bune urari, va aducem si o oferta speciala pentru rezervarile din lunile ianuarie si februarie: 10% reducere la orice rezervare de doua zile si 15% la orice rezervare de trei sau mai multe zile. Reducerile nu se pot combina cu ofertele existente de midweek sau full week si nu se aplica rezervarilor facute prin platforme externe.

Speram ca v-ati bucurat de sarbatorile ce tocmai au trecut, alaturi de familie si prieteni. Da, stim ca aceasta perioada poate fi foarte aglomerata si obositoare.

Dolina Village este locul perfect pentru cei ce cauta sa scape de alomeratie. Cele trei case de vacanta sunt bine ascunse de padurile ce imprejmuiesc satul Suncuius, departe de drumuri circulate si orase zgomotoase. Zece Hotare este locul perfect unde te poti deconecta, relaxa si dormi linistit, inconjurat de peisaje faine, cu putin noroc, acoperite de zapada.

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