When living in the country, there are always things to do around the house and property. We are always busy with new projects, the latest being trying out a woven fence at Casa Marie-Jose, one of our guesthouses.
We were very excited to build this fence, since we had no idea whether we would be able to do it and what would it look like in the end. Spoiler alert: it turned out great!
The making of this fence took us about two days, and the most work was done by two people. The first step was sourcing the wood out of our small patch of forest. We needed to thin out the forest, since the former owners did not manage it properly and it ended up looking like a bunch of sticks, rather than trees. We selected the smaller trees for both the poles and branches for weaving, and left enough small trees for the forest to start regenerating.
Once the materials were home, we were ready to start. All cutting and shaping of the poles and branches was done using a handsaw and an axe. After fixing the poles into the ground, we could start the actual weaving. This was fun and not very difficult. The fence matches the style and feel of the house, and gives the guests there more private space to relax, work or eat.
Since we concluded that this trial fence was a success, we will build more of them at Dolina Village in the near future. If you like to see the fences in real live, You will find us in Zece Hotare, Comuna Şuncuiuş, Bihor, Romania